
If you would like you favourite web site added to this page (or if you'd just like to comment on this page), email Lydia Turley.

Australian Systematic Botany Society
The Australian Systematic Botany Society (ASBS) is an incorporated association of over 300 people with professional or amateur interest in botany. The aim of the Society is to promote the study of plant systematics

Canterbury Botanical Society
The Canterbury Botanical Society fosters an interest in and an understanding of botany with an emphasis on New Zealand indigenous flora. We aim to bring together people of all ages and levels of expertise in a friendly environment.

New Zealand Plant Conservation Network
This is the premier website for information on plants in NZ and contains pictures and descriptions of most species as well as species lists for many sites and lots of additional information.

New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists
The New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists (NZSPB) promotes the teaching and research of plant biology in New Zealand, and encourages the exchange of information among those with an interest in Plant Biology.

Rotorua Botanical Society
Web site includes the tables of contents from past issues of the newsletter.

The Botanical Society of America
Publish the American Journal of Botany

The New Zealand Alpine Garden Society
Web site has contact information for this society. They have a seed exchange.

The New Zealand Ecological Society
Includes an online newsletter and abstracts from the NZ Journal of Ecology.

The New Zealand Native Orchid Group
Includes full-text acces to Orchid Journal.

The New Zealand Plant Protection Society
Site dedicated to weeds, pathogens etc. They have a research scholarship and a conference travel grant for students.

The Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture
The RNZIH is NZ's only National Horticultural Society. Their mission is to 'Encourage and improve horticulture in New Zealand by promoting the understanding, appreciation, conservation and use of plants'

Wellington Botanical Society
Web site includes forthcoming trips, meetings, articles, trip reports etc.

Our postal address is:
Botanical Society of Otago,
c/o Department of Botany University of Otago P.O. Box 56 Dunedin New Zealand.

Our email address is: