Botany 4th year research presentations

Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 8th of September 2010, 12:00 PM (14 years ago)

Contact: Trish Fleming | | (03) 479 7577

Presentations of students completing BTNY480/490 Research Projects in the Department of Botany.

12:00 noon. James Wang: Tree Species effects on canopy transpiration in two Catlins forests

12:20 pm. Vickey McGimpsey: Mauve the mysterious flower colour pigment in Euphrasia dyeri

12:40 pm. Suli Teasdale: Difference in Cortinarius communities for three forest types: Pinus radiata, Nothofagus spp., and Kunzea ericoides

1:00 pm. Ella Hayman: Does foliage of Thymus vulgaris (Labiatae) inhibit the germination of native shrum and grass species?

1:20 pm. Sharon McKenzie: Investigating the identity of Hypochoeris Mosaic Virus

Note special time and venue: At the Union Street Lecture Theatre (upstairs, corner of Union and Great King Streets).